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I really like how to use those pictures as background, it makes the storytelling better and more interesting. And I like how you use the randomizer to get different gumballs lol, really interesting game

I just spent like $2 on gumballs. 10/10.

I really like the design you need to press R and then press enter to get gumball, Its like a simulation for put coin into the machine then rotating the trigger to bet candy.

Like the randomization of gumballs. Is one rarer than others? I only got purple like once or twice. Also liked how the color/color name changed every time you got a new gumball. Is there a secret gumball color you're hiding somewhere with like a 0.000001% chance of appearing?

This is what I immediately thought of too. I got the one I was meant to the first time so I was a little confused as to what was happening, but now I curious about the mechanics behind the gum-ball machine...

Cute game! Simple but I liked it. Like Ty said, the illusion of choice at the beginning was pretty funny.

I had a very enjoyable playthrough of this game. It’s a cozy gacha experience that I don’t get from many games I play, which was a good change of scenery. I also really liked the illusion of choice, as you’re really only there for the gumballs.

It a cute little gumball simulator game that was really nice to look at. The visuals were the best part. It really sold the eye-candy of the game with the pink colors. Loved it.

I really liked the gumball machine's mechanics, where you can't actually hit the machine button until you've pressed R to add the coin in. Really helps with adding a bit more mechanical depth then just your typical "click button, thing happens" game. Really enjoyed the light and fluffy vibes that the game presents and the music + background was a wonderful touch.

The first few times I played, I received the bubblegum I wanted, but after a few gameplays, I was met with something that made the game quite fascinating. There was a playthrough where I missed the correct colored bubblegum at least 10 time! The randomness really builds a certain type of experience for each playthrough.

Yeah I picked blue for my color and got it the first 5 times in a row, thought it was just always going to be the color you picked. Then I started to get other colors that surprised me they were even in the machine.

Very thematically sound! I definitely get a feeling of relaxation out of the game; wonder if there's a secret or two hidden somewhere too!

i was expecting something horrible to happen, but it was really nice to play a game that's just genuinely joyful!! reminds me of slice-of-life games that allow you to appreciate the small things.

Loved the theme and atmosphere! Unfortunately I did not eat much breakfast today so this game left me mega-hungry. Very curious as to how you got the r + enter command to work.  Maybe it involves using &&? Or extra if-else statements? Specifically making the coin-insert its own action adds a personal touch.

Pink is my favorite color so I definitely enjoyed the aesthetic of this game! Really sweet (lol) vibe and I enjoyed the fact that I had to keep trying for what I wanted. Reminded me of gambling but in a good way! 

So cute! I love that there's more than the original three gumballs that you can get. I'm determined to get all of the gumballs lol

Super cute game! I love the visuals and concept makes me want to go to a candy store now 😋🍭 The rolling mechanic for the gum ball machine is really cool. Took 15 tries to get a blue gum ball the first time around but after that I got the color I wanted almost right away. Also didn’t realize there were yellow gum balls until the last round I played, are the yellows just scaled to show up less or is that just luck if the draw?